Need help in using myTax Portal? Browse the myTax Portal Technical FAQ.

From 11 Apr 2021, you will be required to log in to government digital services for businesses (G2B) using Singpass instead of Corppass. For more information, visit  Corppass website.
Name of Digital ServiceDescriptionInformation NeededEstimated Submission and/or Processing TimeGuides/ FAQ

myTax Mail

A secure email system for you to correspond with IRAS on your employees' confidential tax matters.

  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
  3. Enquiry details
  4. Supporting attachments (if applicable)
  • Supported File Type: MSG, PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, XLS, XLSX, TIF, TIFF, DOC, DOCX
  • Maximum File Size: 10.00MB per File
    Important note: System may remove or modify the file after scanning for malicious and unacceptable content. You can attach up to 25 files with a total file size not exceeding 50.00MB. The file name must be in English and must not exceed 50 characters. 

10 minutes

We will reply to you within 5 working days. If we need more time, we will inform you.

(249KB, PDF)

Tax Clearance -

File Form IR21

For employers to e-File Form IR21 online. Authorised company staff and tax agents can log in to myTax Portal on behalf of the organisation/client using Singpass to access this e-Service. 


i. There are certain scenarios where tax clearance is not required. Find out more about the exceptions.

  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
  3. Your client's tax reference number (For tax agents only)
  4. Your employees' information
    • Employment Records
    • Particulars of spouse & children (if employee is married)
    • Income Information

10 minutes

Generally, most Forms IR21 are processed within 21 days. Processing of tax clearance may take longer if the information given in Form IR21 is incomplete or when IRAS needs to seek clarification on the employment details submitted.

Authorised company staff and tax agents may check the processing status and view the Clearance Directive online.

Tips on e-Filing

Tax Clearance - 
View Form IR21 Records


For authorised company staff and tax agents to:

i. view submitted Form IR21 and its processing status;
ii. edit the draft Form IR21;
iii. submit the completed Form IR21; and
iv. amend the Form IR21 details provided in the previous filing.

  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
  3. Your client's tax reference number (For tax agents only)


Tax Clearance -

View Tax Clearance Notices

  This e-service is mobile optimised

For authorised company staff and tax agents to view:

i. acknowledgments of e-Filed Form IR21; and
ii. Clearance Directives.

(Records for current and past 3 years are available.)

  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
  3. Your client's tax reference number (For tax agents only)

You can view the Clearance Directive via myTaxPortal three working days from the date Form IR21 is processed.


Submit Employment Income Records

For employers in the Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS)

Prepare and submit your employees' employment income information using AIS software (Submit Employment Income Records at myTax Portal (Online Application) or your payroll software integrated with AIS Application Programming Interface (API).

Find out more about the Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) for Employment income.

  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
  3. Your employees' Employment Income Information
  4. Your client's tax reference number (For tax agents only)

30 minutes

The employment income information submitted by the employer will be processed within 5 working days.

User Guides

Submit Employment Income Records at myTax Portal
(PDF, 1.22MB)

Submitting an Amendment File 
(PDF, 1.72MB)

Amendment Checker
(XLSM, 68KB) - Check if amendment is required for error(s) made in earlier submission(s).

Troubleshooting Guide on IR8A Import Template 
(PDF, 179KB)

Register for AIS

Register your organisation for the Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) for Employment Income.

Registration is open from 1 Apr to 31 Dec each year.

For employers without an existing Approver / Preparer role with IRAS' digital service, log in via ‘Personal Tax'

  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass

For employers with an existing Approver / Preparer role with IRAS' digital service, log in via ‘Business Tax'

  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass

For tax agent with an existing Approver / Preparer role with IRAS' digital service, log in via ‘Business Client'

  1. Your tax agent firm's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
  3. Your client's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID

3-5 minutes

Your registration will be processed immediately.


Search AIS Organisation

Check if your organisation is in the Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) for Employment Income and the status of the file submission.
  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN) or Organisation Name
Senior Employment Credit, Enabling Employment Credit and CPF Transition Offset –

Eligibility Search and Breakdown Request

This e-Service allows you to view if you are eligible for the SEC, EEC and/or CTP Payout, based on the UEN or NRIC number that you have registered with CPFB in making CPF contributions to your employees. This e-Service also allows employers to request for records of the SEC, EEC and/ or CTO Payout breakdown by the qualifying employees.
  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Contact Person
  3. Contact Number
  4. Email Address
  5. Job Title

3-5 minutes

Ten working days

If the company has 500 and below qualifying employees, the records will be mailed to the business's registered address by ordinary mail.

If the company has more than 500 qualifying employees, the records will be provided to you via myTax Mail at myTax Portal within ten working days.
Jobs Growth Incentive – This e-Service allows employers to view records of the JGI Payout breakdown by the qualifying employees.
  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
N.A. -
Progressive Wage Credit Scheme –

Eligibility Search and Breakdown Request

This e-Service allows you to view if you are eligible for the PWCS Payout, based on the UEN or NRIC number that you have registered with CPFB in making CPF contributions to your employees. This e-Service also allows employers to request for records of the PWCS Payout breakdown by the qualifying employees.
  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Contact Person
  3. Contact Number
  4. Email Address
  5. Job Title
3-5 minutes

Ten working days

If the company has 500 and below qualifying employees, the records will be mailed to the business's registered address by ordinary mail.

If the company has more than 500 qualifying employees, the records will be provided to you via myTax Mail at myTax Portal within ten working days.

Pay Taxes

Authorised company staff or tax agents can manage employee payments for Tax Clearance or Employer Deduction Schedule (EDS) via myTax Portal.

This service allows you to:

i. Make payments for employee(s) for amounts withheld for both Tax Clearance and EDS. 

ii. Inform IRAS of the reasons for partial or non-payment for employee(s) with EDS.



  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
  3. Your client's tax reference number (For tax agents only)
    Important note: New CorpPass authorisation is required if it has not been set up previously for EDS payments. To set this up: 
    The CorpPass Admin for your company must log in to the CorpPass portal.  They should assign the appropriate EDS-related roles to staff members / Tax Agents who will be managing these payments.
5 minutes