IRAS believes that taxpayers are generally compliant. The Integrated Compliance and Service Framework builds on this belief by guiding us to formulate strategies to deliver excellent service and manage tax compliance. IRAS also aims to foster an environment of voluntary compliance by sharing our compliance and audit focus areas for the year. This works towards building community confidence in the tax system, and ensuring Singapore has a fair and sustainable tax system where the tax administration is efficient and every taxpayer contributes their fair share of tax.

Our belief about taxpayers

IRAS believes that a large majority of compliant taxpayers exerts an influence on societal behaviour and creates pressure on the minority group of errant taxpayers to turn compliant.

IRAS tailors our compliance approach to the following 4 taxpayer profiles, so that we can assist and interact with taxpayers according to their needs:

Our Belief About Taxpayers

1. Voluntarily compliant

The vast majority of taxpayers comply voluntarily with their tax obligations. We proactively provide the necessary platforms and services to enable them to do so.

Examples: e-Services, frontline services, No-Filing Service, and simplification of filing via the Auto-inclusion of Employment Income Scheme 

2. Unaware

Some taxpayers want to comply but require assistance to do so. We invest effort into raising taxpayers’ awareness of tax issues and providing taxpayers with accurate information to prevent non-compliance.

Examples: SMS reminders, seminars, public communications and dialogues with trade associations

3. Negligent

Some taxpayers may not have given sufficient attention to their tax obligations. We seek to detect errors and deter this group from making recurring mistakes.

Examples: Audit Programmes and Voluntary Disclosure Programme to encourage self-correction of errors

4. Errant

A minority of taxpayers intentionally cheat or evade tax. IRAS will not hesitate to take strong actions against them and penalise such errant taxpayers. If you are aware that someone has evaded tax in Singapore, you are encouraged to contact us.

Examples: Deterrent penalties, enforcement actions, investigation and prosecution  

Integrated Compliance and Service Framework

The Integrated Compliance and Service Framework (ICSF) depicts how our focus on compliance and service is aligned to IRAS’ vision and corporate goals, which include providing excellent service and maximising voluntary compliance.

In line with this, the ICSF anchors our compliance and service actions in 4 strategic elements – Right Design from the Start, Right Service to Meet Taxpayers’ Needs, Right Actions at the Right Time and Right Taxpaying Values –  collectively known as The “Four Rights”:

The Integrated Compliance and Service Framework sets out IRAS’ high level strategies for achieving our corporate goals of providing excellent service and maximising voluntary compliance. The framework is premised on our belief that taxpayers are generally compliant.

1. Right Design from the Start

A simple tax system makes it easier for taxpayers to fulfil their tax obligations. IRAS actively influences the design of policies and tax laws where possible, to ensure that tax rules and processes are clear and easy to comply with.

IRAS also continuously explores ways to integrate tax within taxpayers’ systems or life events, so that taxpayers need not expend additional effort just for tax purposes. This embodies our belief that “no need for service is the best service”.

2. Right Service to Meet Taxpayers' Needs

Taxpayers who know their tax obligations will be more responsible for their tax matters.  IRAS seeks to understand taxpayers’ needs so as to provide excellent and timely service through various channels and service initiatives, enabling taxpayers to fulfil their tax obligations with ease.

3. Right Actions at the Right Time

While most taxpayers are generally compliant, there may be a small group who are non-compliant. For the latter, IRAS will put in place strong deterrent measures which are effective, calibrated and timely to ensure such taxpayers pay their fair share of taxes. This will maintain society’s confidence in the fairness and sustainability of Singapore’s tax system.

4. Right Taxpaying Values

IRAS is committed to building a community which believes in taxpaying as a shared social responsibility. Working alongside our partners and stakeholders, we aim to inculcate strong taxpaying values in the community 

IRAS' focus on taxpayer compliance

IRAS adopts a risk-based approach in carrying out compliance actions. We identify and prioritise key compliance risks and develop programmes to address these risks.

IRAS also aims to foster an environment of voluntary compliance by sharing our compliance focus areas for the year. Taxpayers can benefit from understanding these main compliance issues and what IRAS is doing to address these.

General Compliance Focus Areas

IRAS' focus on Compliance Focus Areas for Individuals

IRAS' focus on Compliance Focus Areas for Companies

IRAS' focus on Compliance Focus Areas for GST-registered Businesses