Tax agents can adopt a tax software, or connect your in-house system with IRAS via Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), to file Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Form C-S returns and/or Goods & Services Tax (GST) returns on behalf of your clients to IRAS directly with a few clicks of buttons.

Benefits of #SFFS

This section provides an overview of the benefits that tax agents can enjoy by adopting #SFFS

  1. Keep up with industry’s digitalisation
    • Digitalisation is key for the accounting and tax industry, given the benefits that it offers
    • With the Accountancy Industry Digital Plan, the government is helping small and medium-sized practitioners adopt technology for greater productivity and competitiveness. The need and urgency for digitalisation is further intensified as we adapt to new ways of working post-pandemic
    • #SFFS is in line with this direction to help tax agents digitalise and to free up resources for higher value work in the process. Early adopters will reap benefits sooner and gain competitive advantage over competitors
  2. Increase timeliness and accuracy of submissions
    • Reduce time needed to file and potential transposition errors, since there is no need for manual data entry for multiple clients in myTax Portal
    • Improved accuracy of tax submissions with features such as pre-filling of tax data
  3. Reap productivity savings
    • Reduced time needed to prepare and file tax returns for clients will lead to manpower/ productivity savings
    • E.g. estimated 25 minutes saved (per completed Form C-S) filed from tax software
  4. Transform business to move up value chain
    • Productivity savings can be channeled to provide greater value and more complex services to clients (e.g. advisory services). This may lead to potentially higher revenue and can also increase Employer Value Proposition to better attract and retain talent
  5. Enjoy extended filing due date and waiver of penalties for errors made in tax returns due to unfamiliarity with the use of software

    To allow tax agents more time to transit to and familiarise with using #SFFS, IRAS will be providing the following 2 benefits:

    • Extended filing due date for Form C-S and GST F5 and F8 returns:
      1. IRAS will automatically extend the CIT filing due date by 15 days (i.e. from 30 Nov to 15 Dec) for Year of Assessment (YA) 2023 to YA 2025 Form C-S returns filed through #SFFS. Tax agents filing YA 2023 to YA 2025 Form C-S returns through #SFFS on behalf of their clients do not need to separately request for the extension.
      2. IRAS will also grant an extension of GST filing due date by 2 weeks upon request, if software issues or errors are encountered when filing GST F5 or F8 returns due from 1 Jan 2023 to 31 Dec 2025 through #SFFS. The request for extension must be made at least 3 working days before the GST filing due date.
    • Waiver of penalties for errors made in tax returns due to unfamiliarity with the use of software:

      IRAS will be waiving penalties for errors made due to unfamiliarity with the use of the software for tax returns filed through #SFFS by the respective filing deadline. The waiver is applicable for Form C-S, GST F5 and F8, Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) submission, and Tax Clearance for Employees (Form IR21) returns due from 1 Jan 2023 to 31 Dec 2025. The waiver does not apply to errors made without reasonable excuse, through negligence, or with wilful intent to evade tax.

Hear from tax agents who have successfully adopted #SFFS

Here are some feedback from tax agents who have successfully adopted #SFFS and have started enjoying its benefits:

"Here are some benefits of Seamless Filing From Software that we have enjoyed:

  • Immediate e-submission in 10 minutes;
  • Saves 1/3 of our time, minimises any transposition error and increases productivity;
  • Uniform, straightforward, efficient, cost saving and easy to use."

- Ms Ang Poh Geok, Manager, Acutus Tax Services Pte. Ltd., filing CIT returns using #SFFS on behalf of clients

"Without having to log in separately to myTax Portal, we can file Form C-S directly from our tax software with all of the information we input into the tax software automatically generated into the form. With the API, we can easily submit our clients' Form C-S with no hassle, which has greatly increased our efficiency."

- Ms Regina Ng, Assistant Manager, Regal Corporate Services Pte. Ltd., filing CIT returns using #SFFS on behalf of clients

"Filing Form C-S using IRAS’ Form C-S seamless filing APIs, as compared to filing Form C-S through myTax Portal, is more efficient and saves time as we no longer have to manually key in certain tax data like the company’s UEN, as well as doing away with the need to log into myTax Portal each time an amendment to the draft Form is made.

The seamless filing APIs also allow us to easily monitor all submissions and integrate automations into our internal systems."

- Mr Francis Vilaga, Manager, Deloitte Tax Solutions Pte. Ltd., filing CIT returns using #SFFS via in-house system on behalf of clients

How to adopt #SFFS

This section provides an overview of how you can adopt #SFFS as a tax agent

Via 3rd party tax software

If you are a tax agent which needs to file the following on behalf of your clients:

  • CIT returns via Form C-S; and/or
  • GST returns via GST F5/F8 and Form for disclosing errors in GST returns (GST F7);

you may consider adopting the following tax software that allow for #SFFS (listed in alphabetical order):

You may also refer to the IRAS Accounting Software Register Plus (ASR+) for other eligible accounting software and select a software in any of the 3 tiers that meets your clients' tax filing needs.

Via your in-house system

You can consider connecting your own in-house system with IRAS to enable the seamless filing of Form C-S and GST returns via APIs.

To date, 3 tax agent firms have successfully connected with IRAS to enable the seamless filing of Form C-S via APIs.

The tax agent firms are:

More tax agents will be listed progressively when their systems are enhanced with the seamless filing capabilities.

Frequently asked questions

General information about #SFFS
Do I qualify for #SFFS?

#SFFS through tax software is suitable and most beneficial for small to medium tax agents that need to file any of the following to IRAS on behalf of clients:

  • For CIT: Form C-S
  • For GST: GST returns (GST F5/F8) and Form for disclosing errors in GST returns (GST F7)

For tax agents that have your own in-house system, you can consider connecting your in-house system with IRAS via APIs to enjoy the same benefits.

Cost of adopting #SFFS

Why should I pay for a tax software, just to perform tax filing, which is currently free in myTax Portal?

You can enjoy the following benefits from adopting a tax software that allows #SFFS: keeping up with the industry’s digitalisation, increasing timeliness and accuracy of submissions, reaping productivity savings and transforming your business to move up the value chain. These benefits may outweigh the cost of the software, which may be available from a low cost per month.

Is there any government funding/ support for me in purchasing the tax software?

You can tap on the following support scheme to apply for tax software at subsidised rates:

  • Enterprise Development Grant offered by Enterprise Singapore (EnterpriseSG) to support companies that are starting new projects to upgrade, innovate, grow and transform their business.

Why should I incur costs to connect my in-house system with IRAS via APIs?

You can enjoy the following benefits from connecting your in-house system with IRAS via APIs: increasing timeliness and accuracy of submissions, reaping productivity savings and transforming your business to move up the value chain. These benefits may outweigh the cost of making the connection.

Choosing software to use

How do I know which tax software I should use?

You are strongly encouraged to use tax software that are on the IRAS Accounting Software Register Plus (ASR+). The list will be updated periodically to include more software solutions that onboard ASR+.

Currently, the tax software that are on the IRAS ASR+ are (listed in alphabetical order):

  • Singtax Corporate 2022 (for Form C-S only)
  • Xion.AI (for Form C-S and GST returns)
Migrating from one software to another

I am using a tax software today which does not allow for #SFFS. What should I do?

You can consider switching to a software that allows for #SFFS. Currently, the following 2 tax software allow for #SFFS (listed in alphabetical order):

  • Singtax Corporate 2022 (for Form C-S only)
  • Xion.AI (for Form C-S and GST returns)

Software developers typically provide some form of training for your business to learn how to use the software. Some may also help with data migration from your existing software to the new software.

Assurance in using #SFFS

Is it safe to perform tax filing for my clients using tax software?

Filing of tax returns made through #SFFS will be authenticated as tax agents will need to login using Corppass and only authorised users are able to perform the submission. The entire filing process including Corppass is linked to IRAS’ systems via APIs which act as intermediaries that allow 2 applications to talk to each other.

You will be able to review the tax return on the software before submission to IRAS. An acknowledgement will also be generated for a successful filing that you can print/ keep for record purposes, similar to submissions via myTax Portal.

How do I know that IRAS has received the information I have filed?

Most software would generate and provide an acknowledgement for a successful filing to IRAS. You can also check for an acknowledgement or on the submission status in myTax Portal within 3 working days.

When will my clients be able to view the submitted information in myTax Portal after I have filed the tax return using software on their behalf?

The submitted information will be available in myTax Portal within 3 working days.

What should I do if I need to adjust my client’s tax return, after submitting it through my software?

  • For GST returns, you can submit the Form for disclosing error in GST returns (GST F7) through your software on behalf of your client.
  • For Form C-S, you can go to the Revise/ Object to Assessment digital service in myTax Portal to submit your revised tax computation(s) on behalf of your client.

What happens if I have errors in my client’s tax returns or submit my client’s tax returns late because I am unfamiliar with using the software?

We understand that tax agents may need some time to transit to and familiarise with using #SFFS. For the initial transition period, IRAS will provide the following 2 benefits for tax agents adopting #SFFS for tax returns due from 1 Jan 2023 to 31 Dec 2025:

  • Extended filing due date for Form C-S and GST F5 and F8 returns
  • Waiver of penalties for errors made in tax returns due to unfamiliarity with the use of software

More information on the 2 benefits can be found in the webpage above.

I will only be able to file my client’s YA 2024 Form C-S through #SFFS between 1 Dec 2024 and 15 Dec 2024. Do I need to request IRAS to grant me an extension of filing due date?

IRAS will automatically extend the CIT filing due date by 15 days (i.e. from 30 Nov to 15 Dec) for YA 2023 to YA 2025 Form C-S returns filed through #SFFS. Tax agents filing YA 2023 to YA 2025 Form C-S returns through #SFFS on behalf of their clients do not need to separately request for the extension.

If I file tax returns through #SFFS on behalf of my clients using the API connection between my in-house system and IRAS’ system, would I qualify for the extended filing due date and waiver of penalties for errors made in tax returns due to unfamiliarity with the use of #SFFS?

The extended filing due date and waiver of penalties for errors made in tax returns due to unfamiliarity with the use of #SFFS are also applicable to tax agents that file tax returns through #SFFS on behalf of their clients through the API connection between their in-house system and IRAS’ system.

Would #SFFS affect my business as clients no longer require our services to help them with their tax compliance?

While some clients may choose to file their own tax returns through #SFFS, some may still prefer to have tax agents settle their tax matters for them. As you tap on digitalisation and reap productivity savings, you will be able to transform your business and move up the value chain, hence potentially increasing your client base and revenue.

Find out more

Tax agents who are keen to adopt #SFFS may reach out to the software developers using the contact information provided in the IRAS Accounting Software Register Plus (ASR+).

Email us at if you need assistance or clarification.