Selling my property
There is a checklist of things to do when selling your property, such as paying outstanding tax, terminating existing GIRO payments and submitting claims for tax refunds.
There is a checklist of things to do when selling your property, such as paying outstanding tax, terminating existing GIRO payments and submitting claims for tax refunds.
Property tax information for owners who are going through en bloc sales.
You should ensure that your tenancy agreement is e-Stamped, and pay income tax on the rental income you receive.
Owners that carry out addition & alteration (A&A) works on their property must submit information on the works to IRAS upon request.
Owners that demolish and/or rebuild their property must notify IRAS and submit information to IRAS upon request. Owners demolishing and rebuilding their property for subsequent owner-occupation may be eligible for property tax remission.
Owner-occupiers who move out from their property should inform IRAS within 15 days.