Need help in using myTax Portal? Browse the myTax Portal Technical FAQ

Singapore Corporate Access (or Corppass) is the sole authorisation system for entities to manage digital service access of partners, employees or third parties (e.g. tax agents) who need to perform business transactions with government agencies online. To access IRAS' digital services in the partnership's myTax Portal account, partners, employees or third parties (e.g. tax agents) must first be authorised via Corppass.

A partnership which has authorised its partners, employees or third parties (e.g. tax agents) to access its myTax Portal account via Corppass will be deemed to have authorised its partners, employees or third parties (e.g. tax agents) to:

  • Handle its partnership's income tax matters;
  • Correspond with IRAS on its partnership's income tax matters through any mode of communication including telephone calls, myTax Mails, emails, hardcopy letters and in-person meetings.
Name of digital serviceDescriptionInformation neededEstimated submission and/or processing timeGuides/ FAQs
Name of digital service

Appeal Penalty Waiver

This e-Service is mobile-optimised

Description Appeal for waiver of late filing fees.Information needed
  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
  3. Your tax agent firm's Tax Reference Number


Estimated submission and/or processing time

3 - 5 minutes


The result will be displayed immediately.


Guides/ FAQs User Guide
(PDF, 1.0 MB)
Name of digital service

File Form P

Description e-File your Form P and receive an acknowledgement from IRAS upon successful submission.Information needed
  1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
  2. Your Singpass
  3. Your organisation's statement of accounts
  4. Particulars of your partners for allocation of profit/loss
Estimated submission and/or processing time Submission

10 minutes


Most partnerships should receive the Notice of Allocation from Apr to Sep each year.

Guides/ FAQs

Technical FAQ

    Name of digital service

    myTax Mail

    This e-Service is mobile-optimised

    Description A secure email channel to correspond with IRAS on your confidential tax matters.Information needed
    1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
    2. Your Singpass
    3. Enquiry details
    4. Supporting attachments (if applicable)
      • Supported file types: MSG, PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, XLS, XLSX, TIF, TIFF, DOC, DOCX
      • Maximum file size: 10 MB per file

      Important Note:

      System may remove or modify the file after scanning for malicious and unacceptable content. You can attach up to 25 files with a total file size not exceeding 50 MB. The file name must be in English and must not exceed 50 characters. 
    5. For authorised staff and tax agents, your organisation's tax reference number is also required.
    Estimated submission and/or processing time
    10 minutes

    We will respond to you within 5 working days. We may need more time for complex enquiries and if so, we will inform you.
    Guides/ FAQs FAQs
    (PDF, 249 KB)
    Name of digital service

    Request Extension of Time to File

    This e-Service is mobile-optimised


    Request for extension of time to file income tax return and/or accounts.

    Information needed
    1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
    2. Your Singpass
    3. Your tax agent firm's Tax Reference Number
    Estimated submission and/or processing time

    3 - 5 minutes


    The result will be displayed immediately.

    Guides/ FAQs User Guide
    (PDF, 896 KB)
    Name of digital service

    Update Partnership Contact Details

    This e-Service is mobile-optimised


    To view and update contact details and addresses.

    Information needed
    1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
    2. Your Singpass
    Estimated submission and/or processing time

    5 minutes


    All changes will be updated immediately except the change of mailing address, which will be processed within 3 working days.

    Guides/ FAQs

    (PDF, 331 KB)

      Name of digital service

      View Partnership Notices/ Letters

      This e-Service is mobile-optimised


      To view Form P e-Filing acknowledgement online.

      (Records for current and past 3 years are available for viewing)

      Information needed
      1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
      2. Your Singpass
      Estimated submission and/or processing time N.A.Guides/ FAQs FAQs
      (PDF, 64 KB)
      Name of digital service

      View Partnership Tax Filing Status

      This e-Service is mobile-optimised

      To view the status of your Form P online (i.e. when your return has been issued, received or processed).
      Information needed
      1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
      2. Your Singpass
      Estimated submission and/or processing time


      Guides/ FAQs

      (PDF, 60 KB)


        Name of digital serviceDescriptionInformation neededEstimated submission and/or processing timeGuides/ FAQs
        Name of digital service

        Apply for EIS Cash Payout


        For partnership to apply for EIS cash payout.

        Information needed
        1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
        2. Your Singpass
        3. Your business's revenue
        4. Information pertaining to costs incurred on qualifying activities
        5. If you are claiming costs incurred on acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) under an instalment arrangement and/or Research and Development (R&D) costs, please complete the Instalment Arrangement template (XLSX, 64KB) and/or R&D Form (after YA 2019) (PDF, 1.0 MB), and submit them together with your application.
        Estimated submission and/or processing time

        15 minutes


        Most applications will be processed within 3 months.

        You will receive a physical EIS notice after the application is approved. The notice will also be available in myTax Portal. Please note that you will not receive any e-notification on the EIS notices.

        Guides/ FAQs
          Name of digital service Submit EIS Enhanced Deduction/ Allowance RecordsDescription For partnership to submit EIS enhanced deduction/ allowance details which were claimed in the Form P.Information needed
          1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
          2. Your Singpass
          3. Your business' revenue
          4. Information pertaining to costs incurred on qualifying activities
          5. If you are claiming costs incurred on Research and Development (R&D), please complete the R&D Form (YA 2019 and onwards) (PDF, 1.0 MB), and submit it together with your submission.
          Estimated submission and/or processing time Submission
          15 minutes
          Guides/ FAQs

          User Guide:
          Step-by-step guide for Tax agent/ Partnerships
          (PDF, 1.5 MB)

          Step-by-step guide for tax agent
          (PDF, 416 KB) 

          Name of digital service Description

          For partnerships to check the status of their EIS cash payout applications.

          The EIS cash payout application status will be available for viewing on the next day after the date of submission of the EIS Cash Payout application.

          Information needed
          1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
          2. Your Singpass
          Estimated submission and/or processing time N.A.Guides/ FAQs -
          Name of digital service

          View EIS Notices/ Letters

          This e-Service is mobile-optimised


          To view EIS cash payout notices and correspondence (including acknowledgement page of submission via EIS digital services).

          (Records for the current and past 3 years are available for viewing)

          Information needed
          1. Your organisation's Unique Entity Number (UEN)/ Entity ID
          2. Your Singpass
          Estimated submission and/or processing time


          Guides/ FAQs

          User Guide:
          Step-by-step guide for Partnerships
          (PDF, 394 KB)