Extension of Tax Filing Deadlines
As part of support measures to help taxpayers in light of the COVID-19 situation, IRAS is providing an extension of deadlines for tax filing for individuals and businesses:
[1] GST-registered businesses making GST payments to IRAS will be allowed to file their tax returns based on information available.
[2] For this group of companies which faced genuine difficulties in preparing and e-Filing the YA 2020 Corporate Income Tax (CIT) Returns due to the COVID-19 situation, IRAS would grant them a 1-month extension till 15 Jan 2021 to e-File the YA 2020
CIT Returns, provided that the companies had submitted the "Request for Filing Extension for YA 2020 Corporate Income Tax Return" form by 27 Nov 2020.
IRAS Taxpayer Counter Services Will Open from 2 Jun - By Appointments Only
As announced by the Government, the Circuit Breaker will end on 1 Jun 2020 with measures to be progressively lifted in three phases. From 2 Jun 2020, IRAS will reopen its Taxpayer and Business Service Centre (TBSC) at Revenue House and resume counter
services by appointments only. Taxpayers must make an appointment with IRAS at least two (2) working days in advance.
Connect with IRAS Digitally
Taxpayers are advised to use IRAS’ digital services at myTax Portal for their tax matters. Those requiring urgent assistance should contact IRAS through the following channels instead of visiting IRAS:
- Chat online or call us or (Mondays
to Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
- AskJamie , a virtual assistant on tax matters
- Send an email via myTax Portal
Taxpayers may also follow IRAS on the following official platforms for further updates:
- Facebook ( www.facebook.com/irassg )
- Twitter ( www.twitter.com/iras_sg )
- Instagram ( www.instagram.com/irassg )