24 Mar 2011

We refer to the letter 'Make it easier to e-file multiple claims for donations' (Today Online Forum, 17 Mar 2011) by Mr Johnnie Chia.

Mr Chia suggested that IRAS attach a separate form to the current e-Filing system so that donors do not need to email their additional donation claims to IRAS.

We would like to inform Mr Chia and readers that from next year, there will be no need for donors to submit their claims for tax deductions for donations made to Institutions of a Public Character (IPCs).

With effect from 1 Jan 2011, donors will be required to provide their NRIC/FIN numbers to the IPCs if they wish to claim tax deductions for the donations made. The IPCs will send the donation details to IRAS to be included as tax deductions for the donors. This requirement will benefit donors, IPCs and IRAS. Donors would not need to keep receipts and remember to claim tax deductions, while IPCs and IRAS will be able to process donations and tax deduction more efficiently.

We thank Mr Chia for his feedback.

Deanna Choo
Director, Corporate Communications BranchM
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore