Check if you need to register for GST
What you need to do
Our GST Registration calculator helps you ascertain whether you need to register for GST. To use the calculator, please have the following information ready:
- Your Unique Entity Number (UEN)
- Your revenue figures from various sources for the calendar year (e.g. selling goods, providing services, property trading/leasing)
If you are required to register:
Register via on > GST > Register for GST. You must first be authorised in Corppass for any of IRAS’ digital services to access the GST registration digital service.
If you are not required to register:
No action is required if you do not need to register for GST. Please continue to monitor your sales and register for GST once your annual taxable turnover exceeds $1 million.
What happens if you are late to register?
You will need to account for GST on your past taxable turnover even if you did not collect any GST from your customers.
Each year, IRAS uncovers about 100 businesses that were late to register for GST. On average, each business paid around $100,000 in GST and penalties.