Determining the Additional Conveyance Duties payable
Determining the Additional Conveyance Duties payable
The Additional Conveyance Duties (ACD) that will apply on qualifying sale/ transfer of equity interests in property-holding entities that own primarily residential properties in Singapore (PHEs) are:
- Additional Conveyance Duties for Buyers (ACDB):
- Buyer’s Stamp Duty at 1% to 6%; plus
- Additional Buyer’s Stamp Duty at 65% (flat rate)
- Additional Conveyance Duties for Sellers (ACDS):
- Seller’s Stamp Duty at 12% (flat rate)
- Seller’s Stamp Duty at 12% (flat rate)
ACD will be levied on the prevailing market value of the PHE’s underlying residential property at the time of the qualifying equity sale/ transfer, pro-rated by the percentage of the beneficial interest transferred in the PHE.
The value of the underlying residential property is dependent on the component of the prescribed immovable property (PIP) deemed attributable for residential purposes.
- If the PIP owned by the PHE (directly/indirectly) is a vacant land or an entire building with land:
Zoning of the land Component deemed as residential Residential 100% of the gross floor area (GFA) Residential/ Institution White Commercial & Residential 60% of the GFA Residential with commercial at first storey Total GFA less the minimum GFA which must be set aside for commercial uses under the Master Plan. - If the PIP owned by the PHE (directly/indirectly) is a part of an entire building, the component of the property deemed residential is the part of the property permitted* for residential use.
- A use permitted by a Written Permission given under section 14(4) of Planning Act other than that given for a period of 10 years or less i.e. exclude temporary permission granted by the Competent Authorities for change of use;
- A use authorized by a notification under section 21(6) of Planning Act; or
- Such use, being an existing use of the building or part thereof and not being the subject of a written permission given under section 14 of the Planning Act or a notification under section 21(6) of that Act, was a use to which the building or part
thereof was put on 1st February 1960, and the building or part thereof has not been put to any other use since that date.
How will the residential component for White sites be determined?
The definition of residential property follows from the ABSD policy.
Where a land is zoned ‘White’ under the Master Plan, 100% of the gross floor area will be deemed attributable to residential purpose.
I am acquiring/disposing of equity interest in an entity. The entity owns (directly/indirectly) land zoned non-residential but contains residential units. Will the land be treated as a prescribed immovable property?
As the non-residential land contains residential units, it is a prescribed immovable property for ACD purposes.
I am acquiring/disposing of equity interest in an entity. The entity (directly/indirectly) owns residential sites with serviced apartments (SA) development. Is the site considered as a prescribed immovable property?
As the site owned by the entity is zoned residential, the site is a prescribed immovable property for ACD purposes.
I am acquiring/disposing of equity interest in an entity. The entity (directly/indirectly) owns sites zoned ‘White’ but the development is a non-residential or mixed-residential in nature. Is the site considered a prescribed immovable property?
As the site owned by the entity is zoned 'White', it would be treated as a prescribed immovable property for the purposes of ACD.