If you do not agree with the stamp duty assessment, you can submit an objection to the Commissioner of Stamp Duties stating your grounds for the objection.

When to object

The objection must be submitted within 30 days after the date of the Notice of Assessment.

How to object

In your objection, please provide your grounds for objection and supporting documents. Notwithstanding any objection, the stamp duty, penalty or any other charges must be paid by the specified due date.

How to submit an objection

You can submit the objection by hand, by post or via the  e-Stamping Portal:
By handDeposit the documents into the Stamp Duty Mail Box (located at Taxpayer Service Centre, Level 1, Revenue House, IRAS)
By post

Addressed to:

Commissioner of Stamp Duties

55 Newton Road
Revenue House
Singapore 307987

Via e-Stamping PortalGo to  e-Stamping Portal > select "Request" > "Object to Assessment"

Review of objection by IRAS

After we have reviewed your objection, we will inform you of our decision in writing.

If you disagree with our decision, you may appeal against the decision to the High Court. The appeal must be carried out within 30 days after the date of our letter informing you of our decision.