For adjudication or assessment of your application, please enclose the following documents to your application:

1. Transfer of property by way of gift

  1. Copy of the instrument of transfer
  2. Copy of valuation report of the property (if any)
  3. Applicant's opinion of the market value of the property, as at date of transfer

2. Transfer of shares

Newly incorporated companies (18 months old or less), which do not legally or beneficially own any properties

  1. Copy of the instrument of transfer
  2. Copy of the Certificate or Notice of Incorporation from ACRA

Private limited companies

  1. Copy of the instrument of transfer
  2. Copy of the latest statement of accounts of the company (Accounts must be within 24 months from the date of transfer.)
  3. Copy of the ACRA Business Profile of the company from ACRA
  4. Copy of the Share register of the company
  5. If the company issues more than one class of shares, a copy of the memorandum and articles of association or Constitution 
  6. Copy of the valuation report for each property (If the company owns properties)

3. Trust deed / Declaration of trust

  1. Copy of the trust instrument
  2. Relationship between the trustee and beneficiary
  3. Date on which the property or share(s) was acquired
  4. Reason(s) for acquiring the property or share(s) in the name of the trustee
  5. Documents to support that the beneficiary is the beneficial owner of the property or share(s), as at the time of acquisition
  6. Usage of the property from the date of acquisition (This applies to property only)
  7. Applicant's opinion of the market value of the property, as at date of instrument (This applies to situations where ad valorem duty is payable.)

4. Transfer of properties or shares from Estate of deceased to beneficiaries

  1. Copy of the instrument of transfer and / or
    1. Deed of Family Arrangement
    2. Deed of Disclaimer
    3. Deed of Release
    4. Deed of Renunciation
  2. Copy of either:
    1. Will
    2. Letter of administration and petition in respect of the Estate
    3. Inheritance certificate issued by the Syariah Court
  3. Schedule of assets in the Estate
  4. Manner of distribution of assets amongst the beneficiaries
  5. Value of each asset (properties and shares) belonging to the Estate

5. Variation of lease

When there is a change of lessee

  1. Copy of the variation of lease
  2. Date of transfer of the property from previous lessee to new lessee
  3. Copy of the statement of accounts from lessor showing the amount of last monthly rental paid by the previous lessee

Where there is no change of lessee

  1. Copy of the variation of lease
  2. Copies of the documents executed prior to the variation of lease
  3. Copy of the latest statement of accounts from lessor showing the amount of monthly rental payable by the lessee

6. Lease of property involving variable or unknown rental

  1. Copy of the lease agreement
  2. Applicant's opinion of the monthly market rent for the property leased
  3. Floor area of the property leased
  4. Turnover rent per month from gross sales figure since lease commencement date to present (if applicable)

7. Partition of properties

  1. Copy of the partition agreement
  2. Copy of the Certificate of Titles
  3. Site plan of the subject property before and after the partition, with the area clearly marked out