The e-Tax Guide has been updated with the following changes:
• Editorial changes to update the previous Section 14D / Section 14DA / Section 37B to Section 14C / Section 14D / Section 37A respectively arising from the renumbering and citation of the Income Tax Act 1947 (2020 Revised Edition)
• Extension of the R&D tax measures under Section 14C / Section 14D to YA 2028
• Insertion of paragraph 4.2 on the different types of R&D tax deductions that are available under Sections 14C and 14D from YAs 2019 to 2028 and deletion of paragraph 4.3
• Revision to paragraphs 4.2 and 5.1 on the introduction of the Enterprise Innovation Scheme
• Revision to Annex A for clarity on which stage of a typical value chain of a pharmaceutical manufacturing company will be treated as R&D