ASK is a comprehensive self-assessment compliance package that aids businesses to review the correctness of their GST submissions and discover past GST errors early so as to qualify for IRAS’ Voluntary Disclosure Programme.

Purpose of ASK

ASK helps businesses, especially those who have just registered for GST or are filing GST for the first time, to self-assess their GST submissions and to discover past GST errors early. 

Features of ASK 

ASK is a self-assessment package and there are 3 sections in the package. Businesses may implement each section individually or put all 3 sections into practice.

Section 1: GST Practices

What is itRecommended forWhat's next
GST Practices helps you to put in place internal processes covering PeopleRecord-KeepingSystems and Internal Controls and Risk Management to ensure overall GST compliance.
  • Businesses planning to register for GST
  • Businesses that are newly registered for GST
  1. Have a go at our GST Practices (XLS, 189KB) and see how you fare.
  2. Download the step-by-step User Guide(PDF, 365KB) on how to use GST Practices.

Section 2: Pre-Filing Checklist

What is itRecommended forWhat's next
Pre-Filing Checklist helps you to perform quality checks on your GST returns before submission. 
  • Businesses filing their first GST return
  • GST-registered businesses with new business arrangement or change in GST personnel
  1. Try our Pre-Filing Checklist (XLSX, 1.6MB)
  2. Download the step-by-step User Guide (PDF, 285KB) on how to use Pre-Filing Checklist

Section 3: ASK Annual Review

What is itRecommended for What's next
ASK Annual Review helps you to perform regular review of past GST returns for early detection of errors.
  • All GST-registered businesses

Find out more about ASK Annual Review.

Adoption of ASK

GST-registered businesses may adopt ASK on a voluntary basis.

Conducting ASK is compulsory when you are applying for or renewing these GST Schemes.

Application for GST schemesRenewal for GST schemes
  1. Import GST Deferment Scheme (IGDS);
  2. Approved Marine Customer Scheme (AMCS);
  3. Approved Contract Manufacturer and Trader (ACMT) Scheme;
  4. Approved Refiner and Consolidator Scheme (ARCS);
  5. Major Exporter Scheme (MES);  
  6. Approved Import GST Suspension Scheme (AISS);
  7. Approved Third Party Logistics (3PL) Company Scheme; or
  8. Specialised Warehouse Scheme (SWS).

  1. Import GST Deferment Scheme (IGDS);
  2. Major Exporter Scheme (MES);
  3. Approved Contract Manufacturer and Trader (ACMT) Scheme; or
  4. Specialised Warehouse Scheme (SWS).

Businesses applying for or renewing these schemes have to perform a self-review using ASK and submit the ASK: Declaration Form on Completing Annual Review & Voluntary Disclosure of Errors (ZIP, 66KB).

The ASK Annual Review must either be performed by:

  1. An individual accredited with Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals Limited ("SCTP") as Accredited Tax Advisor (GST) [ATA (GST)] or Accredited Tax Practitioner (GST) [ATP (GST)] or
  2. The GST-registered business and certified by an individual accredited with SCTP as ATA (GST) or ATP (GST), in adherence to the certification procedures set out in the Assisted Help Kit ('ASK') Annual Review Guide (PDF, 1.3MB).

The ATA (GST) or ATP (GST) may either be an in-house staff or external party. Your staff may apply to be an accredited tax professional with the SCTP if he meets the requirements of passing the relevant examinations and having acquired the relevant experience.

SCTP is a tax accreditation body jointly established by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore and the Tax Academy of Singapore. An Accredited Tax Advisor or Accredited Tax Practitioner with the SCTP would have the expertise and experience to assist businesses to better manage their tax affairs.

For more information on accreditation, please visit

Benefits of adopting ASK

You will enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Understand GST requirements on filing and record-keeping;
  2. Review accuracy of GST submissions;
  3. Reduce risk of incurring penalties on common errors made by GST-registered businesses;
  4. Discover past GST errors early for timely disclosure to IRAS to enjoy zero or reduced penalties under IRAS' Voluntary Disclosure Programme
  5. Enjoy administrative concessions for common errors disclosed through the course of ASK Annual Review; and
  6. Fulfil requirement for application or renewal of GST schemes, such as the