CPF Relief is given to encourage individuals to save for their retirement. Employees who are Singapore Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents may claim CPF Relief.

Contributions that qualify for relief

  1. Compulsory employee CPF contributions under the CPF Act or contributions to an approved pension or provident fund;
  2. Voluntary Contributions to your MediSave Account.

Please note that a personal income tax relief cap of $80,000 applies to the total amount of all tax reliefs claimed (including relief on compulsory/voluntary CPF contributions) for each Year of Assessment.

There will be no refund for accepted voluntary CPF contributions. Please evaluate whether you would benefit from tax relief on your voluntary CPF contributions and make an informed decision.

Contributions not eligible for relief

  1. Voluntary contributions made in excess of the compulsory contributions under the CPF Act;
  2. CPF contributions on additional wages that exceed the CPF cap on wages from related employers (employed concurrently by 2 or more related employers in a year); and
  3. CPF contributions made in respect of your overseas employment (i.e. while you are seconded or posted overseas for work).

Amount of relief

CPF Relief is capped by the amount of compulsory employee CPF contributions made on Ordinary Wages and Additional Wages under the CPF Act.

The amount of CPF Relief is capped to ensure that CPF is not used as a tax shelter.

Ordinary Wages and Additional Wages

Ordinary wages are wages due or granted for employment. They include allowances (e.g. food allowance and overtime payments) earned by an employee in the month. Ordinary wages must be paid before the due date for payment of CPF contributions for that month.

Additional wages are wage supplements which are not granted wholly and exclusively for the month. These include your annual bonus and leave pay.

You may claim CPF Relief for making employee CPF contributions on wages that have not exceeded the Ordinary Wage ceiling and Additional Wage ceiling.

As announced in Budget 2023, the CPF monthly salary ceiling will be increased to $8,000 in four phases starting from 1 September 2023.  

Ordinary Wage (OW) ceiling

Period CPF monthly salary ceiling
1 January 2023 to 31 August 2023 $6,000
1 September 2023 to 31 December 2023 $6,300
1 January to 31 December 2024 $6,800
1 January to 31 December 2025 $7,400
On or after 1 January 2026 $8,000

Notwithstanding the increases to the CPF monthly salary ceiling starting from 1 September 2023, the CPF annual salary ceiling will remain at $102,000.

Additional Wage (AW) ceiling

 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024
$102,000 less Total OW subject to CPF
($102,000 = 17 months x $6,000)

The additional wage ceiling will remain at $102,000 less total ordinary wages subject to CPF for the relevant year.

For more information on OW ceiling and AW ceiling, please refer to CPF Board's website.

Examples on computations of CPF Relief

Example 1: Additional Wages exceed the ceiling

Mr Lim is 40 years old. His compulsory employee CPF contribution rate is 20%. He received the following income in 2024:

Employment period: 1 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2024Ordinary Wage (OW)Additional Wage (AW)

Total wages for 2024

$5,500 x 12 months = $66,000


OW & AW ceiling

$6,800 x 12 months = $81,600

$102,000 – (A)
= $102,000 - $66,000
= $36,000

Wages subject to compulsory CPF contributions

$66,000 (A)
The OW ($66,000) is subject to compulsory CPF contributions as the total OW for the year has not exceeded the OW ceiling ($81,600).

The AW ($40,000) exceeds the AW ceiling ($36,000). The AW subject to compulsory CPF contribution is capped at $36,000.

Mr Lim's CPF Relief for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2025 is computed as follows:

CPF Relief on



$66,000 x 20% = $13,200


$36,000 x 20% = $7,200

Total CPF Relief allowed for YA 2025

= $20,400 ($13,200 + $7,200)

Example 2: Ordinary Wages exceed the ceiling

Mr Heng is 35 years old. His compulsory employee CPF contribution rate is 20%. He received the following income in 2024:

Employment period: 1 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2024Ordinary Wage(OW)Additional Wage (AW)

Total wages for 2024

$7,000 x 12 months = $84,000


OW & AW ceiling

($6,800 x 12 months) 

= $81,600

$102,000 – (A)
= $102,000 - $81,600
= $20,400

Wages subject to compulsory CPF contributions

$81,600 (A)
The OW ($84,000) has exceeded the OW ceiling ($81,600). OW subject to compulsory CPF contribution is capped at $81,600.


The AW ($20,000) is subject to compulsory CPF contributions as the AW has not exceeded the AW ceiling ($20,400).

Mr Heng's CPF Relief for YA 2025 is computed as follows:

CPF Relief on



$81,600 x 20% = $16,320


$20,000 x 20% = $4,000

Total CPF Relief allowed for YA 2025

= $20,320 ($16,320 + $4,000)

Example 3: Total wages exceed the ceiling

Ms Cheong is 29 years old. Her compulsory employee CPF contribution rate is 20%. Her last date of employment was 30 Nov 2024. She received the following income in 2024:

Employment period:

1 Jan 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
Ordinary Wage (OW)


Additional Wage (AW)


Total wages for 2024

$7,000 x 11 months = $77,000


OW & AW ceiling

Jan to Nov 2024

= $6,800 x 11 months

= $74,800

$102,000 - (A)
= $102,000 - $74,800
= $27,200

Wages subject to compulsory CPF contributions

$74,800 (A)
The OW ($77,000) has exceeded the OW ceiling ($74,800). The OW subject to compulsory CPF contribution is capped at $74,800.

The AW ($45,000) has exceeded the AW ceiling ($27,200). The AW subject to compulsory CPF contribution is capped at $27,200.

Ms Cheong's CPF Relief for YA 2025 is computed as follows:

CPF Relief on



$74,800 x 20% = $14,960


$27,200 x 20% = $5,440

Total CPF Relief allowed for YA 2025

= $20,400 ($14,960 + $5,440)

Example 4: Claiming CPF Relief when employment has ceased

Mr Tan is 35 years old. His compulsory employee CPF contribution rate is 20%. His last date of employment was 30 Sep 2024. He received the following income in 2024:

Employment period:

1 Jan 2024 to 30 Sep 2024
Ordinary Wage (OW)


Additional Wage (AW)


Total wages for the year 2024

$7,000 x 9 months = $63,000


OW & AW ceiling

Jan to Sep 2024

= $6,800 x 9 months

= $61,200


$102,000 - (A)

= $102,000 - $61,200

= $40,800

Wages subject to compulsory CPF contributions

$61,200 (A)

The OW ($63,000) has exceeded the OW ceiling ($61,200). The OW subject to compulsory CPF contribution is capped at $61,200.


The AW ($19,000) is subject to compulsory CPF contributions as it has not exceeded the AW ceiling ($40,800).

Mr Tan's CPF Relief for YA 2025 is computed as follows:

CPF Relief on



$61,200 x 20% = $12,240


$19,000 x 20% = $3,800

Total CPF Relief allowed for YA 2025

= $16,040 ($12,240 + $3,800)

Example 5: Employee makes voluntary contribution to MediSave Account* (Up to YA 2022)

Andrew is 30 years old. He made voluntary contributions to his MediSave Account in 2021. His CPF Relief for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2022 is computed as follows:

Andrew is an employee who is 30 years oldYA 2022
Total wages (OW + AW)


Compulsory CPF contributions made by Andrew's employer

17% x $80,000 

= $13,600

Compulsory CPF contributions by Andrew as an employee

20% x $80,000 

= $16,000

Total CPF contributions by Andrew and his employer

$13,600 + $16,000 = $29,600

Annual CPF contribution cap


Voluntary cash contribution directed by Andrew to his MediSave Account


Maximum tax relief allowed on voluntary contribution made by Andrew to his MediSave Account


($37,740 - $29,600)

Total CPF Relief allowable to Andrew


($16,000 + $8,140)

*The above tax treatment ceased for voluntary contributions made from 1 Jan 2022 to an individual’s own MediSave Account (“MA”). From 1 Jan 2022, the contributions limit for voluntary contributions made by individuals to their MA will only be subject to the Basic Healthcare Sum and not the annual CPF contribution cap. The voluntary contributions made to the MA will be allowed under CPF Cash Top-up Relief


How to claim


Is your employer participating in the Auto-Inclusion Scheme?

  1. Login with your Singpass or Singpass Foreign user Account (SFA) at myTax Portal.
  2. Go to “Individuals” > “File Income Tax Return”.
  3. Select “File” to File Income Tax Return.
  4. Go to “1. Employment Income and Expense”.
  5. Tick check box “My employer (s) will not be transmitting my income details to IRAS”
  6. Select “Add New” > “Employment Income”>Input relevant details for “Employer (s) Not Under Auto Inclusion Scheme”
  7. Fill in the relevant information and select “Update”. 

If your employer is one of the participants of the Auto-Inclusion Scheme for Employment Income, you do not need to claim this relief.

We will automatically grant you this relief based on the information sent to us by your employer.


Paper filing

Is your employer participating in the Auto-Inclusion Scheme?


Form B1 & B

Complete the item on “CPF Relief”.

Form B1 & B

If your employer is one of the participants of the Auto-Inclusion Scheme for Employment Income, you do not need to claim this relief.

We will automatically grant you this relief based on the information sent to us by your employer.


I have filed my Income Tax Return but have yet to receive my tax bill for the current Year of Assessment. What should I do if I have forgotten to claim the CPF Relief?

1. If your employer is not participating in the Auto-Inclusion Scheme for Employment Income

If you e-Filed your Income Tax Return, you may re-file once by 18 Apr. When you re-file, you must include all your income details, expenses, donations and relief claims, where applicable. Once you have re-filed successfully, your new submission will override the previous submission.

If you filed a paper Income Tax Return or are unable to re-file online, please file an amendment upon receiving your Tax Bill for the current Year of Assessment. You may file the amendment via the 'Amend Tax Bill' digital service at myTax Portal within 30 days from the date of your Income Tax Bill. 

2. If your employer is participating in the Auto-Inclusion Scheme for Employment Income

You should verify that the auto-included information is correct. If the CPF relief shown is incorrect, please seek clarification with your employer directly and inform them to re-transmit the correct information to us. 

Otherwise, IRAS will automatically grant you this relief based on the information sent to us by your employer.

Can I obtain a refund of the voluntary CPF contributions I made in the previous year, if for the current Year of Assessment, the total amount of personal reliefs that I can claim is more than $80,000, even without any tax relief on voluntary CPF contributions I made?

There will be no refund for accepted voluntary CPF contributions. Before making voluntary CPF contributions, you should note that the overall personal income tax relief cap of $80,000 applies and evaluate whether you would benefit from tax relief on your voluntary CPF contributions.