How to determine if a property is an industrial property for SSD purpose? 

 A. For disposal of a part of an entire building (e.g. building units, including those under construction) the permitted use is Industrial or for mixed purposes, one of which is industrial, at the date of sale or disposal – Please refer to Table 1 below for details.

 B. For disposal of vacant land or entire building with land, it depends on the zoning of the land under the Master Plan (and not the permitted use of the property), at the date of sale or disposal – Please refer to Table 2 below for details.

The SSD rates for industrial properties will apply on the industrial component of the property disposed of.

A. For disposal of a part of an entire building (e.g. building units, including those under construction)

Table 1
Permitted use1 as at date of disposalZoning under Master Plan
  1. General industrial building
  2. Light industrial building
  3. Special industrial building
  4. Any other factory, including food factory
  5. Business park
  6. Call centre
  7. E-business
  8. Food catering
  9. Industrial training
  10. Laboratory
  11. Laundry
  12. Media activities
  13. Motor vehicle showroom
  14. Science park
  15. Showroom
  16. Warehouse
  17. Wholesale centre
  18. Any other use of an industrial nature.

1 Permitted use means :-

a. A use permitted by a Written Permission given under section 14(4) of Planning Act other than that given for a period of 10 years or less i.e. exclude temporary permission granted by the Competent Authorities for change of use

b. A use authorised by a notification under section 21(6) of Planning Act; or

c. Such use, being an existing use of the building or part thereof and not being the subject of a written permission given under section 14 of the Planning Act or a notification under section 21(6) of that Act, was a use to which the building or part thereof was put on 1st February 1960, and the building or part thereof has not been put to any other use since that date

To find out the permitted use of a property, you can:

  • Approach the developer or the property owner for the latest Written Permission (WP) and the plans approved under the WP; or
  • Check /buy the information from URA’s e-Services on Development Control (please note that a search fee/plan purchase fee may apply in some of URA’s e-Services)
    • Search the Development Register (Planning Decisions). This is an electronic repository for information on all Written Permissions granted or rejected by URA from year 2000; or
    • Enquiry on Approved Use of Premises. This e-service allows you to find out the approved use of a premise/ unit in a building.
    • Buy Planning Records (DC15). This e-service allows you to buy planning records like the certified true copy of Grant of Written Permission/Refusal of Written Permission in hardcopy.

B. For disposal of vacant land or entire building with land

Table 2
Zoning under Master Plan Component of the property deemed attributable to an industrial purpose
Business 1 (B1)


100% of gross floor area

Business 2 (B2)
Business 1 - White


The minimum gross floor area which must be set aside for "B1/B2 uses" under the Master Plan before "White uses" are allowed

Business 2 - White
Business Park (BP)85% of gross floor area
Business Park - White100% of gross floor area less maximum percentage thereof which may be set aside for "White uses" under the Master Plan