1. Know your tax obligations
All self-employed persons (which includes partners with partnerships registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)) must report the income earned from their business operations as business income, not salary. The business income is part of the total personal income which is taxed at individual income tax rates.
The precedent partner of a partnership is also required to submit the partnership Income Tax Return (Form P) on behalf of the partnership even though the partnership itself does not pay taxes.
2. File Partnership Income Tax Return (Form P)
While a partnership does not pay tax, it has to file a Form P annually to report all income earned and allowable business expenses incurred by the partnership during the year.
The partnership is required to file Form P if it has received the notification to e-File or the paper Form P, even if it has not commenced business or has incurred losses in the preceding year.
Please refer to the user guide for step-by-step instructions on how to e-File your Form P.
e-Filing of Form P is available from 1 Feb and due on 18 Apr. The partnership can e-File Form P via myTax Portal with your Singpass.
If a partnership e-Files Form P by 28 Feb, the partnership allocation will be pre-filled in the respective partners' Form B/ B1. With this pre-filling initiative, the precedent partner need not separately inform the respective partners of their share of the partnership income and the individual partners can enjoy the convenience of having their tax return pre-filled.
The precedent partner can refer to the responsibilities of precedent partners for more details.
3. Decide on the accounting period
Partnerships should decide on the accounting period when the partnership is formed or starts to operate. Most businesses, including partnerships, choose accounting periods that end on 31 Dec each year. You may choose an accounting period that ends on any date.
Example 1: Accounting period that ends on 31 Dec
Your partnership starts on 1 April 2021 and you choose the accounting period to end on 31 Dec every year. The relevant accounting periods and the respective Years of Assessment (YA) are:
Accounting Period | YA | |
1st Accounting Period | 01 Apr 2021 to 31 Dec 2021 | YA 2022 |
2nd Accounting Period | 01 Jan 2022 to 31 Dec 2022 | YA 2023 |
3rd Accounting Period | 01 Jan 2023 to 31 Dec 2023 | YA 2024 |
4th Accounting Period | 01 Jan 2024 to 31 Dec 2024 | YA 2025 |
Example 2: Accounting period other than 31 Dec
Your partnership starts on 1 April 2021 and you choose to end your accounting period on 31 Mar. The relevant accounting periods and the respective YAs are:
Accounting Period | YA | |
1st Accounting Period | 01 Apr 2021 to 31 Mar 2022 | YA 2023 |
2nd Accounting Period | 01 Apr 2022 to 31 Mar 2023 | YA 2024 |
3rd Accounting Period | 01 Apr 2023 to 31 Mar 2024 | YA 2025 |
4. Prepare statement of accounts
At the end of every accounting period, you must prepare the statement of accounts which comprises:
- Profit and Loss Account; and
- Balance Sheet
You can download and use the Statement of accounts for partnership (XLSX, 37KB).
For details, please refer to Preparing statement of accounts.
5. Prepare a 2-line/ 4-line statement
The precedent partners should prepare the 2-line/ 4-line statement by extracting the relevant figures from the partnership's statement of accounts for filing Form P.
2-line statement
With effect from YA 2022, the 2-line statement is extended to partnerships with revenue of $200,000 or less as part of IRAS’ continuous efforts to simplify tax filing for small businesses.
The figures that you need when your revenue is $200,000 or less from YA 2022 are:
First line | Revenue |
Second line | Adjusted Profit/ Loss |
4-line statement
The figures that you need when your revenue is more than $200,000 from YA 2022 are:
First line | Revenue |
Second line | Gross Profit/ Loss |
Third line | Allowable Business Expenses |
Fourth line | Adjusted Profit/ Loss |
For YA 2021 and before, you should prepare the 4-line statement regardless of the amount of revenue earned.
For details, please refer to Calculating business income.
6. Calculate the divisible profit
Precedent partners are required to calculate the divisible profit of the partnership and allocate the profit to the partners.
Divisible profit is the adjusted profit/ loss minus partners' salaries, allowances, bonuses, CPF contributions, interest on capital and any other expenses paid on behalf of all the partners.
Illustration: Calculating divisible profit
Adjusted Profit/ Loss
- Partners' salaries
- Partners' allowances
- Partners' Bonuses
- Partners' CPF contributions
- Partners' share of interest on capital
- Expenses paid on behalf of partners
Example 3: Dividing profit among partners
ABC partnership is made up of partner A and B. Partners A and B agreed that a yearly salary of $6,000 and $4,800 will be paid to them respectively and the basis of sharing divisible profit is 60:40.
For the year ended 31 Dec 2024, the partnership made a profit of $24,000 (after deducting partners' salaries). Partner A and B decide to retain the profit in the partnership for business use.
The income for A and B will be as follows:
Partner | A | B | Total |
Basis of Sharing | 60% | 40% | 100% |
Salary for year ended 31 Dec 2024 | $6,000 | $4,800 | $10,800 |
Balance: Divisible Profit | $14,400 | $9,600 | $24,000 |
Total Adjusted Profit | $20,400 | $14,400 | $34,800 |
7. Allocation of profit/ loss to partners
After Form P has been processed, the notice of 'Allocation of Profit/ Loss to Partners' will be sent to the precedent partner. The precedent partner is responsible for informing the other partner(s) of their share of profit or loss. The share of profit or loss to each partner will be taxed under each individual partner's name.
Please refer to the Responsibilities of precedent partners for more details.
8. Declaring partnership other income – rent from property
Rental income derived by a partnership from its partnership property or the sublet of a property, should be brought into the partnership accounts and distributed among partners based on the profit-sharing ratio set out in the partnership agreement.
Partnership's property
A property bought with money or funds belonging to the partnership firm is generally deemed to have been bought on account of the firm and is a partnership property. Profits
of the partnership that have been distributed to partners (i.e. drawings) is not considered money or funds belonging to the firm.
A property belonging to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) that is registered in the name of the LLP should generally be a partnership property.
To help you determine if a property is a partnership property, refer to the list of indicators below, which is not exhaustive:
- Property bought with funds of the partnership
- Used in the course or furtherance of the partnership business
- Agreement or mutual understanding among partners in relation to that property
- Reflected as an asset of the partnership
- The Sales & Purchase Agreement states that the property is for use by the partnership
For more information on reporting rental income from property, please refer to Reporting rental income.
9. Objection to the allocation of profit/ loss to partners
Objections to the allocation of profit/loss must be lodged through the precedent partner. The precedent partner must email us via myTax Mail with his/ her Singpass, stating clearly the grounds of objection within 30 days from the date of the notice of 'Allocation of Profit/ Loss to Partners'.
10. Keep proper records and accounts
You are required to keep full and accurate records and accounts of your partnership transactions. These records and accounts must be supported with invoices, receipts, vouchers, and other documents.
IRAS will not accept estimate and improper records. For details, please refer to Keeping proper records and accounts.
11. Pay withholding tax
When a non-resident person (including partnership with 100% non-resident partners) derives income of a specified nature (e.g. interest, royalty, director fees, technical service fees, etc.) in Singapore, such income may be subjected to withholding tax in Singapore.
In this regard, when you made such payment to a non-resident person, you are required to:
- Deduct the applicable withholding tax from the payment; and
- e-File and pay the withholding tax to IRAS by 15th of the second month from the date of payment to the non-resident.
The withholding tax rate varies according to the type of payment made to the non-resident person.
For more details, you can refer to Withholding tax.