All self-employed persons must calculate and report their business income as part of their total personal income in Form B/B1. Freelancers, commission agents, hawkers, taxi drivers, sole-proprietors and partners in a partnership are self-employed persons.

Sole-proprietors and partners

Generally, sole-proprietors and partners registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) are self-employed. You are also considered a self-employed person if you earn a living by carrying on a trade, business, profession or vocation.

Examples of self-employed persons

  • Baby-sitter 
  • Commission agent (e.g. insurance agent, real estate agent) 
  • Direct seller 
  • Freelancer, i.e. you receive fees for providing services as a delivery rider, consultant, bookkeeper, graphic designer, fitness instructor
  • Hawker, i.e. you are the owner of a hawker business or a food stall 
  • Owner of a business that buys and sells goods and/ or services 
  • Owner of an online business, i.e. you buy and sell goods or provide services through the Internet
  • Owner of your own practice (e.g. accountant, architect, doctor, lawyer) 
  • Private hire car driver/ Taxi driver
  • Private tuition teacher, i.e. you are not employed by any tuition centres and you get your students through referrals

Summary of filing obligations for sole-proprietors, precedent partners and individual partners

Self-employed persons (SEPs) and sole-proprietorsPrecedent partnersIndividual partners (Including the precedent partner)
Type of form to report business incomeForm B/ B1Form PForm B/ B1

Where to report business income

SEPs and sole-proprietors should enter their income under the "Trade, Business, Profession or Vocation" > "Sole-Proprietorship/ Self Employment Income" of their Form B/B1.

The precedent partner should file Form P and inform the partners of their share of the business income. Thereafter, each partner should enter their share of business income into their Form B/ B1 when filing their individual tax returns as income under "Partnership" > "Trade, Business, Profession or Vocation".

e-Filing of Form P will be available from 1 Feb. If a partnership e-Files Form P by 28 Feb 2025, the partnership allocation will be pre-filled in the respective partners' Form B/ B1. With this pre-filling initiative, the precedent partner need not separately inform the respective partners of their share of the partnership income and the individual partners can enjoy the convenience of having their tax return pre-filled.

The individual partner should enter their share of the partnership income under the "Trade, Business, Profession or Vocation" > "Partnership Income". 

However, if the precedent partner of the partnership e-Files Form P by 28 Feb 2025, the partnership allocation will be pre-filled in the respective partners' Form B/ B1.

How business income is taxed

Business income is taxable in the hands of the SEP/ sole proprietor at the Individual Income Tax rates.

Partnership income is only taxed in the hands the SEP/ sole proprietor at the Individual Income Tax rates.The share of profit or loss allocated to each partner will be taxed under each individual partner's name at the Individual Income Tax rates.

Calculating the Adjusted Profit/ Loss

Use this formula to arrive at the Adjusted Profit/ Loss for reporting to IRAS:

Revenue XX
Less: Cost of goods sold (XX)
Gross Profit XX
Less: Allowable Business Expenses(XX)
Adjusted Profit/ (Loss) XX



This is the total receipts of your business which may be:

  • bills paid or unpaid sent to customers
  • payments or fees received for services provided
  • sales proceeds from goods sold
  • the selling price of goods or materials used - but not for business purposes (for example, goods are taken from your stock for your personal use)

Revenue is the total gross income received from your business.

Gross Profit/ Loss


Gross profit is the revenue figure less the cost of goods sold. If you have a service business, your gross profit will be the same as your revenue.

Allowable Business Expenses


Allowable business expenses are expenses that you incur wholly and exclusively to earn your business income. Personal, private and capital expenses are not allowable business expenses. For details, please refer to Business expenses and deductions.

Adjusted Profit/ Loss


This is the amount arrived at after deducting allowable business expenses from gross profit/ loss.

Preparing the statement for reporting Adjusted Profit/ Loss for sole-proprietorship

IRAS requires business income to be reported using a 2-Line or 4-Line Statement. You should use the 4-Line Statement when your revenue is more than $200,000.  

2-Line Statement

You should report your business income using the 2-Line Statement when your revenue is $200,000 or less.

First lineRevenue$____________
Second lineAdjusted Profit/ Loss$____________

Example 1: 2-Line Statement of a tuition teacher


Tina, a tuition teacher, earns $40,000 a year giving tuition. As her revenue is not more than $200,000, she only needs to report her income using the 2-Line Statement. In this case, her net earnings as a tuition teacher will be $30,000 (assuming her expenses is $10,000).

Revenue $ 40,000
Adjusted Profit $ 30,000

4-Line Statement

You should report your business income using the 4-Line Statement when your revenue is more than $200,000.

First lineRevenue$_______________
Second lineGross Profit/ Loss$_______________
Third lineAllowable Business Expenses$_______________
Fourth lineAdjusted Profit/ Loss$_______________


Example 2: 4-Line Statement of seller of mobile phones


Gerald buys and sells mobile phones. He sold $300,000 of mobile phone last year. The cost of goods sold was $120,000 and his allowable business expense is $20,000. Gerald should use the 4-Line Statement to report his business income.

Revenue $ 300,000
Less: Cost of goods sold $ 120,000
Gross Profit $ 180,000
Allowable Business Expenses $ 20,000
Adjusted Profit $ 160,000

Summary table

$200,000 or less
Revenue more than $200,000 and less than $500,000Revenue $500,000 or more
Prepare statement of accounts and keep proper records of your business transactionsYesYesYes

Report 2-Line Statement:

  • Revenue
  • Adjusted Profit/ Loss

Report 4-Line Statement:

  • Revenue
  • Gross Profit/ Loss
  • Allowable Business Expenses
  • Adjusted Profit/ Loss
Submit certified statement of accounts and Computation of Adjusted Profit/ Loss (XLSX, 30KB)--Yes

For more information, please refer to Preparing statement of accounts

Please note that you must apply for GST registration if the total taxable revenue of all your sole-proprietorship businesses and income derived from your trade, profession or vocation:

  • has exceeded $1 million at the end of the calendar year; or
  • is expected to exceed $1 million in the next 12 months.

For more details, please refer to Do I need to register for GST.


Preparing the statement for reporting Adjusted Profit/ Loss for partnership

2-Line Statement

With effect from YA 2022, the 2-Line Statement is extended to partnerships with revenue of $200,000 or less as part of IRAS’ continuous efforts to simplify tax filing for small businesses.

You have to report the partnership income in Form P using the 2-Line Statement when your revenue is $200,000 or less from YA 2022.

First lineRevenue$_________________
Second lineAdjusted Profit/ Loss$_________________

4-Line Statement

You have to report the partnership income in Form P using the 4-Line Statement when your revenue is more than $200,000 from YA 2022.

For YA 2021 and before, the partnership income is to be reported in Form P using the 4-Line Statement regardless of the amount of revenue earned.

First lineRevenue$______________
Second lineGross Profit/ Loss$______________
Third lineAllowable Business Expenses$______________
Fourth lineAdjusted Profit/ Loss$______________

Calculating and reporting the Divisible Profit/ Loss for partnership

Calculating Divisible Profit/ Loss

Divisible Profit/ Loss is the adjusted profit/ loss minus partners' salaries, allowances, bonuses, CPF contributions, interest on capital and any other expenses paid on behalf of all the partners.

Use this formula to arrive at divisible profit for reporting to IRAS.

Adjusted Profit/ (Loss) XX
Less: Partners' Salaries (XX)
Less: Partners' Allowances (XX)
Less: Partners' Bonuses (XX)
Less: Partners' CPF contributions (XX)
Less: Partners' Share of interest on capital (XX)
Less: Expenses paid on behalf of partners (XX)
You can use this sample working sheet (XLSX, 37KB) as a guide.
Please note that you must register for GST if the total taxable revenue of all your partnership businesses with the same composition of partners (excluding Limited Liability Partnership) has exceeded $1 million at the end of the calendar year, or is expected to exceed $1 million in the next 12 months. For more details, please refer to Do I need to register for GST.

Example: Distribution of Divisible Profit/ Loss between two partners

AB Partnership is made up of Partner A and Partner B. It was agreed between Partner A and Partner B that a yearly salary of $26,000 and $24,800 will be paid to them respectively and the basis of sharing of divisible profit is 60:40.

For the year ended 31 Dec 2024, the partnership made a profit of $34,000 (after deducting partners' salaries). Partner A and Partner B have decided to retain the profit in the partnership for business use. The income for A and B will be as follows:

 Partner APartner BTotal
Basis of sharing 60%40%100%

Salary for year ended 31 Dec 2024

Divisible profit on a Total Profit of $34,000 (60:40)


(60% x $34,000)


(40% x $34,000)


Total Adjusted Profit (Salary + Divisible profit)

$46,400 $38,400 $84,800

Partner A's and Partner B's share of partnership income is $46,400 and $38,400 respectively. The income will be taxed under each individual partner's names even though the divisible profit of $34,000 was retained in the partnership account.

Reporting Divisible Profit/ Loss

The precedent partner reports the income earned and allowable business expenses annually to IRAS using Form P. You can use this sample working sheet (XLSX, 37KB) as a guide.

After the precedent partner has filed Form P, the precedent partner must inform the other self-employed partner of their share of partnership profit/ loss which they will declare as their partnership income in their Form B/ B1.

The precedent partner can refer to the Responsibilities of precedent partners for more details.